J.M.Coetzee, in "Elizabeth Costello":
"Realism has never been comfortable with ideas.
It could not be otherwise: realism is premised on the idea that ideas have no
autonomous existence, can exist only in things. So when it needs to debate
ideas, as here, realism is driven to invent situations – walks in countryside,
conversations – in which characters give voice to contending ideas and thereby
in a certain sense embody them. The notion of embodying turns out to be pivotal."
splitting doubling
making up new and
half a self
entire in a combination
of double presence
and absence
(doubling all the time)
and sunshine
and laughter
stroll in the park deep-breathing the fresh air
postponing longer and longer
stretching minutes fitting whole lives
imagined by one complexity of silences
two halves
into a different whole
o vento na árvore
o vento na árvore
o vento na árvore
uma cigarra cantando, o livro sobre a cama, a frase na cabeça
correr os olhos, mais uma vez,
sobre a página amarelada, guardada há décadas na estante
da biblioteca
essas manchas de tinta giram turvas na imaginação
- o que dizem mesmo, as palavras
intrincadas de tanto sentido? -
não dizem nada
explodiram e se dispersaram por sobre a natureza do meu quarto iluminado
por lâmpadas incandescentes
(na América não tem economia, "usa à vontade, my boy!")
desejo de ser ontem
(porque ontem é todo sempre, todinho molhadinho de pura promessa adocicada)
quando eu corria de bicicleta na calçada lisa
ao redor da minha casa
na beirada, uma joaninha e o mundo inteiro que se desfolhava
ontem, o futuro brilhava
azulzinho debaixo daquele sol de domingo
cheiro de café, existência matutina às 7 da manhã
banca de jornal abrindo o expediente
e meu avô batucando seus badulaques budistas
uma mistura do amarelo do sol e do esverdeado da imaginação
do mar que chegaria logo mais tarde
salgado como o pão que eu mordia com tamanha destreza
açúcar na toalha da mesa
gosto estranho do chá
palavrinhas flutuantes no ar
o vento na árvore
ventava de verdade
era só vento
sem ser palavra
o vento na árvore
o vento na árvore
uma cigarra cantando, o livro sobre a cama, a frase na cabeça
correr os olhos, mais uma vez,
sobre a página amarelada, guardada há décadas na estante
da biblioteca
essas manchas de tinta giram turvas na imaginação
- o que dizem mesmo, as palavras
intrincadas de tanto sentido? -
não dizem nada
explodiram e se dispersaram por sobre a natureza do meu quarto iluminado
por lâmpadas incandescentes
(na América não tem economia, "usa à vontade, my boy!")
desejo de ser ontem
(porque ontem é todo sempre, todinho molhadinho de pura promessa adocicada)
quando eu corria de bicicleta na calçada lisa
ao redor da minha casa
na beirada, uma joaninha e o mundo inteiro que se desfolhava
ontem, o futuro brilhava
azulzinho debaixo daquele sol de domingo
cheiro de café, existência matutina às 7 da manhã
banca de jornal abrindo o expediente
e meu avô batucando seus badulaques budistas
uma mistura do amarelo do sol e do esverdeado da imaginação
do mar que chegaria logo mais tarde
salgado como o pão que eu mordia com tamanha destreza
açúcar na toalha da mesa
gosto estranho do chá
palavrinhas flutuantes no ar
o vento na árvore
ventava de verdade
era só vento
sem ser palavra
os póros suando, em cima do papel, uma mancha negra, a palavra molhada, viscosa, pegajosa, uma gota espalhafatosa que se gruda na retina dos olhos de quem lê. a palavra não é coisa nenhuma, mas quer dizer o mundo inteiro. quer dizer, quer dizer, quer dizer. palavra que é só desejo. (quando cessar, será que segue sendo a mesma coisa? ou muda de estado, vira gás, uma lufada de ar quente, um feixe de luz, um odor pestilento?) a palavra, de tanto querer, fica no canto, calada, molhando aquilo que lhe encosta, lhe toca, lhe roça, lhe péla. não, palavra, você é oca, casca vazia. você não aponta, nem nomeia, você apenas deseja ser tudo aquilo que nunca, nunca, nunca, nunca vai ser. ou seja, gota molhada, suada, póro escuro - ou claro - buraco no mundo, um desvão tão profundo que deixa um rasgo estranho, esquisito, engraçado, na superfície dessas coisas todas que a gente vê. e das que a gente não vê. você imagina o mundo, decalcado sobre a superfície de uns sons assim, combinados, uns riscos pretos, desenhos estruturados, traços repetidos, movimentos de músculos, abertura de boca, tremular das línguas e de umas outras coisas sem o menor sentido. como uma pilha infinita - imagina só, que vai de um lado ao outro do universo - de coisas jogadas, postas, atiradas, recostadas, umas sobre as outras, como um desenho que se redesenha, se sobrepõe, transparências tantas que, empilhadas, se tornam opacas, como o céu da noite mais escura. o negativo, tudo aquilo que não é. isso é. imaginando o sentido profundo, passo a língua na sua superfície que agarra na minha mucosa, engulo-te toda palavra. assim sim te sinto toda, puro afeto, sentimento no meu estômago, imaginação fisiológica, que me faz cagar, sentir fome, e dormir quando tenho sono. antes de sair, entrar.
chá da tarde
palavras sobre o chá quente
queimou minha língua
meu dente
meu dedo
e mais alguma coisa que eu imagino
fria até doerem os ossos
do lado esquerdo, o meu joelho
a palavra
toda suavezinha no seu recanto
na linha
amarela esfumaçada
(toda engraçadinha
a palavra)
a palavra cai no chá e se esparrama
respinga na mesa
da toalha comprada
a 30 reais mensais na loja da esquina
(são 3 parcelas,
de 30 reais,
com 3% de juros
no cartão de plástico alaranjado
a palavra
no cartão
no cartão
com a tarja preta do lado contrário)
- e o chá vermelho
- e o chá vermelho
a mesa fica branca pelo
com a toalha
agora manchada
toda manchada
de pura palavra
Há dois anos atrás, algo estava pra acontecer daqui a um segundo. O homem, montado em sua bicicleta, gostava do sol sobre sua pele. A mulher, atrás dele, pensava que o mundo ganhava muito mais sentido por ela ter pernas e poder sentir o vento empurrar seus cabelos para trás enquanto pedalava. Uma curva à esquerda, outra à direita, seguir adiante. Assim, acontecendo no desacontecer, como desfiando fios que se movimentam como dizendo: "me puxe para perto do seu futuro". As palavras, no entanto, mantêm-se suspensas no ar, e o futuro tem a concretude de uma rocha macia.
Como é bom escutar o barulho do silêncio arranhado pelas correntes das bicicletas. Do outro lado - não sabia já sabendo - o silêncio ocupa espaço, compete com os vácuos do nosso pensamento. O sol já está por se pôr, há dois anos atrás, como sempre estará. Desde que amanheceu, eu tirei essa foto e guardei escondida no meu computador, reservada para quando despedidas fossem necessárias. Reservada para quantas despedidas fossem necessárias.
Nesse não-lugar do impensado, estou sempre em casa, um segundo depois do momento ápice do conforto. Parado, paradinho, esperando a hora de me mover. O vento existe somente na medida da minha imaginação. Na foto, fora do quadro, eu espero para sempre o momento de me mexer, de sair da frente. Enquanto isso, me esquento no sol daquele fim de tarde, na eterna imaginação do porvir, que me deixa acolhido todo no presente que só sabe se despedir.
Este blog existe desde agosto de 2003. 2003! Quanto tempo não é isso. Ele vai completar nove anos, nesse tempo aprendeu a caminhar e a falar, imaginou muitas coisas, fez grandes amigos, viveu seus amores, e agora estava em repouso, pronunciado seus pensamentos muito raramente, descansando dos dias intensos da sua juventude. Em nove anos, toda uma vida inteira.
A partir daqui, alguns caminhos possíveis. Mas, ao reencontra-lo (o blog), percebi que ele ainda quer seguir falando -- ou melhor, tentando falar -- dando vazão a essa gagueira que o animou por tanto tempo.
Então, é isso. Às palavras voltamos! Talvez, com isso, as certezas que se instalaram possam ser desfeitas enquanto há tempo.
memory and the important things
It was a Thursday, maybe. Or maybe it was a Wednesday.
It was a nice evening, and I had been at university the whole day, drowning in the huge amount of classes I was taking. Ot perhaps I had just been home, cooking, or wasting some time on the internet. No, I think I was studying, or drinking coffee and smoking a cigarette. Or maybe I was just looking outside the balcony, absorbed in the chilly air of the beginning of December. Or late November.
But that's not quite important.
We would meet at 6pm, by the bridge. Of course I was late, I was always late. Maybe 10 minutes late, but I felt so embarrassed that it could as well have been a whole hour. I didn't know you so well, as you didn't know me very well either. But we had a date -- which was not a "date" date, it was just two persons going out to listen to some potentially nice music in a city where we both felt a bit distant to our daily musical tastes. It was just everything alien. But that was also the important part. That was what made us be there together at that moment. That was exactly what made our tastes and our needs to go to a bar and listen to just any music so important to the extent that we would actually go there together, even though we didn't know each other.
And then, well, it was a little bit past 6pm. I got off the train station in a hurry, because I knew I was late and that you would be there, waiting. And we didn't know each other well, and I was always late, and, then, I thought I would say "sorry" and pretend I was not embarrassed for being late, because that would be very lame. I rushed and there were so many people packing those narrow sidewalks that the very short distance between the station and the spot where you would be waiting became huge.
But, again, that's also not so important.
You must remember well. There was the station, and then a big crossing, with traffic lights. There was a strange fluorescent-white-light-lit book store by the corner. Usually, lots of people would be there waiting to cross. Specially if it was past 6pm, when the youngsters are going out to have fun, get drunk, sing at the karaoke, or indulge in some bad "all you can eat" sort of restaurant. (I would also do that, not getting drunk or singing at the karaoke though).
So, it was that crossing.
There was a bridge, with a narrow sidewalk. There would a Starbucks right after the bridge. And there you would be waiting. Or maybe you would be waiting on the next crossing, before the entrance of the arcade. No, you were waiting by the bridge, in front of the Starbucks.
Still, that's of little relevance here.
The point is that, while I walked, or maybe while I crossed the bridge -- or the traffic lights --; while I approached you, still from far away, I saw you were standing there. You were wearing that grey dress, which, by now, you find too worn out and would probably not wear in such an occasion, were it to take place today. You were there, standing straight, looking ahead, as if drifting in your thoughts. You had your backpack on the floor, in between your legs, and you were leaning against the wall. Maybe you were not leaning against nothing, just standing in the middle of the sidewalk. I'm not so sure. But as I approached you, you slowly turned your head to my direction, waved discreetly that quick-paced wave you sometimes do, and smiled. You caused an intense friendly, loving, almost nestling, feeling in me. That was very strange for me, to feel that way while I was so worried about hurrying without running, while I pretended I was not too embarrassed, but at the same time feeling sorry I was late. That was a very off-rationality sort of thing taking over, undermining my all too rational planned reactions. That was very unexpected, and it made me confused for the one minute (or maybe less, or a bit more) that I took to actually get to you and say "hello, sorry I'm late!". That was pleasantly and fulfillingly good. And, at that moment, I started loving you. Even though I didn't realize, at that moment I foresaw - in a glimpse - that I was, in a way, seeing a very unforeseeable future, right in front of me. And that made me very happy, just the way I am now.
It was a nice evening, and I had been at university the whole day, drowning in the huge amount of classes I was taking. Ot perhaps I had just been home, cooking, or wasting some time on the internet. No, I think I was studying, or drinking coffee and smoking a cigarette. Or maybe I was just looking outside the balcony, absorbed in the chilly air of the beginning of December. Or late November.
But that's not quite important.
We would meet at 6pm, by the bridge. Of course I was late, I was always late. Maybe 10 minutes late, but I felt so embarrassed that it could as well have been a whole hour. I didn't know you so well, as you didn't know me very well either. But we had a date -- which was not a "date" date, it was just two persons going out to listen to some potentially nice music in a city where we both felt a bit distant to our daily musical tastes. It was just everything alien. But that was also the important part. That was what made us be there together at that moment. That was exactly what made our tastes and our needs to go to a bar and listen to just any music so important to the extent that we would actually go there together, even though we didn't know each other.
And then, well, it was a little bit past 6pm. I got off the train station in a hurry, because I knew I was late and that you would be there, waiting. And we didn't know each other well, and I was always late, and, then, I thought I would say "sorry" and pretend I was not embarrassed for being late, because that would be very lame. I rushed and there were so many people packing those narrow sidewalks that the very short distance between the station and the spot where you would be waiting became huge.
But, again, that's also not so important.
You must remember well. There was the station, and then a big crossing, with traffic lights. There was a strange fluorescent-white-light-lit book store by the corner. Usually, lots of people would be there waiting to cross. Specially if it was past 6pm, when the youngsters are going out to have fun, get drunk, sing at the karaoke, or indulge in some bad "all you can eat" sort of restaurant. (I would also do that, not getting drunk or singing at the karaoke though).
So, it was that crossing.
There was a bridge, with a narrow sidewalk. There would a Starbucks right after the bridge. And there you would be waiting. Or maybe you would be waiting on the next crossing, before the entrance of the arcade. No, you were waiting by the bridge, in front of the Starbucks.
Still, that's of little relevance here.
The point is that, while I walked, or maybe while I crossed the bridge -- or the traffic lights --; while I approached you, still from far away, I saw you were standing there. You were wearing that grey dress, which, by now, you find too worn out and would probably not wear in such an occasion, were it to take place today. You were there, standing straight, looking ahead, as if drifting in your thoughts. You had your backpack on the floor, in between your legs, and you were leaning against the wall. Maybe you were not leaning against nothing, just standing in the middle of the sidewalk. I'm not so sure. But as I approached you, you slowly turned your head to my direction, waved discreetly that quick-paced wave you sometimes do, and smiled. You caused an intense friendly, loving, almost nestling, feeling in me. That was very strange for me, to feel that way while I was so worried about hurrying without running, while I pretended I was not too embarrassed, but at the same time feeling sorry I was late. That was a very off-rationality sort of thing taking over, undermining my all too rational planned reactions. That was very unexpected, and it made me confused for the one minute (or maybe less, or a bit more) that I took to actually get to you and say "hello, sorry I'm late!". That was pleasantly and fulfillingly good. And, at that moment, I started loving you. Even though I didn't realize, at that moment I foresaw - in a glimpse - that I was, in a way, seeing a very unforeseeable future, right in front of me. And that made me very happy, just the way I am now.
Tarde de segunda-feira. No ar molhado de chuva sob o céu cinzento - é fim de verão onde o verão nunca acaba - o sol amarela as coisas, que me cercam até me engolir.
O mundo, grande feito um planeta inteiro, transborda da minha memória enquanto deixo escapulir os minutos entre as letras do meu teclado.
Abro um guarda-chuva e me deixo banhar pelo sol que esquenta o meu quarto.